January 2024

Josh Humphreys
Josh Humphreys
  • Updated

6.1.10 (January 15)


πŸš€ Features & Tweaks

  • Subdivision and crease data is now included in FBX control mesh exports. This allows tools like Blender and Alias to apply crease and subd modifiers automatically.
  • Improved stroke performance.

πŸ› Bug Fixes

  • Fixed β€˜Shared With Me’ section in LandingPad Collab menu not showing if the user was not part of any organization teams.
  • Can no longer see grab highlight of objects dropped on to an invisible layer.
  • Closed volumes such as strokes and text objects no longer export as double-sided in FBX exports.
  • Fixed some environments causing LIV avatars to be invisible.
  • Disabled import, save and export for reviewer and viewer licence members in organizations.
  • Fixed measurement readout on import preview being incorrect if you changed the unit and then the value of measurement.



6.1.11 (January 17)


πŸ› Bug Fixes

  • Fixed subd crease data not being present in FBX exports with the control mesh and welded vertices options.
  • Fixed subd crease data not being present in polar symmetrical objects in FBX exports with the control mesh option.
  • Fixed subdivision cubes having too many faces when exported as a double-sided FBX.



6.1.12 (January 18)


πŸ› Bug Fixes

  • Fixed depth of field slider on screenshot also applying to view points.
  • Crease data is now included in FBX control mesh exports of thickened subdivision objects.
  • Fixed a frequent request to server causing issues.

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