6.3.0 (July 16)
🚀 Features & Improvements
- Added two sliders to the color menu when grabbing a textured object that allow you to adjust the scale and rotation of textures applied to objects.
- (Enterprise feature) Introduced a beta feature for some organizations where very high-poly FBX, STL and DAE files imported from LandingPad will now import decimated versions to improve performance.
- Made various visual and functional improvements to the lobby File Manager:
- (Enterprise feature) Can now move Collab rooms into folders.
- Collab rooms can now exist in Personal Files.
- Collab rooms can be moved with the clipboard.
- Added a purple highlight when hovering over files.
- Added a prompt when creating a new file asking whether you’d like to create a sketch or Collab room.
- Unified what was previously called “Personal Files” and “My Files”
- Added a filter for Collab rooms which is enabled by default in the LandingPad Collab menu.
- All types of files and rooms can now be accessed from either the File Manager or LandingPad Collab menu.
- Merged the "Shared with me" tab, which is now always present and shows all shared Collab rooms, regardless of if they are from community users or from different organizations.
- Added a Settings cog icon to the bottom bar in the lobby.
- Added a way for community users who are in too many Collab rooms to bulk remove themselves from rooms.
- Added Community Designs menu to lobby.
- Objects can now snap to their original position when moving them via Smart Move or the Selection tool.
- Increased the default size of tutorial videos.
- Renamed “Link to Device” option to “Link to Account” and added a popup further explaining the option.
- Added measurement readouts to the bounding box edges when grabbing and moving objects with the shift trigger.
- Improved appearance of the first and last segments of strokes on standalone.
- Added support for MX Ink MR Stylus.
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that could cause layer groups to become undeletable in Collab.
- Fixed very large scale imported objects sometimes appearing as completely black.
- Expired organizations are now marked as such in the lobby.
- Fixed the “Increment” toggle displaying as on by default when the option is in fact disabled.
- The Selection gumball now repositions itself correctly when toggling the “Restrict to Mirror” setting.
- Fixed an issue that could cause users to become stuck at a very small sketch scale.
- You can now re-order other users layers.
- Fixed issues with folders in the Import Library containing “+” in their names.
- Fixed error on recent file in lobby when logging out and back in after accessing a Collab room.
- Loading a sketch with only one layer no longer creates a second empty layer on load.
- Added missing videos to various lobby menus when not logged into LandingPad.
- Fixed thickened subdivision objects exported as control mesh FBX files being uneditable in some third party software.
Screen Collab
🚀 Features & Improvements
- Numpad keys can now be used to switch between camera views.
- Can now export rooms as GIF files.
- Added Timelapse and Viewpoint Flythrough options to MP4 export
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Fixed inaccuracies in presentation and ordering of layers in a followed VR user’s Layers menu.
- If you manually set an order to viewpoints in a room it now carries across when the room is saved as a sketch.
- Improved scale of laser pointer.
- Added line breaks to some export preset names to make them fully readable.
- The Left and Right camera views are no longer reversed.
- Fixed sketch geometry z-fighting with the screenshot save menu when in orthographic view on macOS.
- Double clicking on a mirrored copy of an object now focuses the camera on that object rather than its original.
6.3.1 (July 16)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Custom HDRs set in sketches and rooms in previous versions now load correctly in 6.3.
6.3.2 (July 18)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Fixed an occasional error that could prevent the user from performing most sketch actions.
Screen Collab
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Improved appearance of highlights around sketch objects.
6.3.3 (July 23)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue sometimes causing Collab rooms to run out of memory.
- Switching between export presets now properly updates the the Units, Mirror Plane and Up Axis options.
- The playback speed options on the video player UI are now easier to select.
6.3.4 (July 30)
🚀 Features & Improvements
- (Enterprise feature) Added support for decimation of USDZ and GLTF files.
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Fixed recovery autosaves not triggering if the app closed unexpectedly during a sketch.
- Fixed ambient occlusion shadows always rendering in front of imported videos.
- Fixed microphone permissions dialog on first time joining a Collab room failing to properly apply microphone permissions.
- Fixed the build not updating the launcher if the build was launched directly.
Screen Collab
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Fixed incorrect appearance of backgrounds and some sketch objects in screenshots.
- Removed sketch object highlights.
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