Tutorials and Learning Gravity Sketch

Elma Kujovic
Elma Kujovic

We know learning new software can be time-consuming and challenging, so we have created this Help Centre and a series of videos to help you get started and introduce you to all of the tools and functions of Gravity Sketch.

To access our tutorials, you have two options: in-app tutorials and videos on our YouTube Channel.

Learn in VR

In VR you can access and learn from different tutorials: Interactive tutorials, Video tutorials and Walkthrough tutorials. Check out more about each of them below. 

Interactive Tutorials

Interactive tutorials will take you through different tasks you'll need to complete in order to finish the tutorial. 

You can access Interactive Tutorials from any sketch or room. 

To access it from the sketch, press the blue menu button, go to Learn and select Interactive tutorials.

Workflow Tutorials - Made with Clipchamp.gif

Video Tutorials

Video tutorials are a great way to put your learning into practice as you follow a video along. You can pause and rewind the tutorials just like a normal video, so you can try out what you can get comfortable with each step before you move on. 

Skills and Exercises - Made with Clipchamp.gif

1. Open up a new sketch in Gravity Sketch

2. Press the General menu button on the non-dominant hand

3. Navigate to the purple learn hat, point and click on it to open up our in-app tutorials section

4. To watch a video, simply point and click on a video title and a video player will open up in Gravity Sketch

5. Use the video controls to play and pause playback

6. To get rid of a video, grab the video frame with the dominant hand trigger, and then press the red button

YouTube Channel

Our Gravity Sketch experts have created 100 of hours of footage explaining our products and doing live demonstrations. You can find all these videos on our YouTube channel. If you're new to Gravity Sketch, this is a great place to learn the basics and follow a build with one of our experts. 


You can access our YouTube channel with the Web Browser VR feature. 

Use the Help Center

Our Help Center contains loads of articles about all our products and how to use them. We've also got lots of info on VR best practices, software and hardware recommendations and integrating Gravity Sketch into your workflow. We always keep our Help Center up to date and regularly add new articles for any feature updates or new releases. The Help Centre is a great way to find specific answers when you first start in Gravity Sketch, but also when you're more advanced and want to check out individual tools. 


Get in touch with us 

If you're still struggling or can't find the answer you are looking for, you always have the Gravity Sketch Support Team on hand.

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1 comment

  • Comment author
    Chris White

    Hello, Chris White here from North Kent College UK. I am currently a Sessional Lecturer at the College responsible for CAD/CAM/Design using Rhino3D, Fusion360, Inventor, Revit and AutoCAD for a range of Full-Time, Part-Time and Evening Students.

    I am just starting out, and will be introducing Gravity Sketch to my students (starting with Engineering, but hopefully including more disciplines later). I am interested in making my own tutorials, and so far have not found any help with their creation, perhaps you are able to assist me? I would like to learn how the 'tracing' points for the Motorbike Frame were made, with a view to introducing my students to 'sketching' with familiar items.




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