Gravity Sketch app has disappeared on Oculus for Business headset

Elma Kujovic
Elma Kujovic
  • Updated

Gravity Sketch app disappearing is a known issue on the Oculus for Business side some users are experiencing.


What is happening?

The Gravity Sketch app disappears from the headsets when the app is auto-updating and trying to reload.


How to fix it?

  1. Restart the headset.
  2. If the app is still missing wait a few hours to see if it reappears. This also depends on the Wifi speed.

Moving closer to the router, restarting the router or switching to a different Wifi can help speed up the process.

     3. Turn on the headset after a few hours to confirm the app has downloaded successfully


In case the app is still missing the factory reset of the headset might be needed.

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