June 2021 Update

Elma Kujovic
Elma Kujovic
  • Updated

Learn about all new and improved features in Gravity Sketch


Reflective Material

We’ve improved how reflective material looks on your models on Oculus Quest/Quest 2, which comes in handy for surface quality checking while designing.


Clay Material

New clay material is available in the selection of materials.

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VR Environment

To help you start quicker, environments are now retained through sketches. Once you select an environment, it will remain in every following sketch (until you change it again) as well as the layout of any undocked menu items.


Clock Settings

You can now set reminders to better keep track of time. Access the Clock settings menu by selecting the time on your non-drawing hand controller with the drawing hand pointer and squeezing the same controller’s front trigger.

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Precision Move Tool Updates

Custom Pivot Points (Red Cube)

You can use the Precision Move Tool in the Tool Belt to set custom pivot points, to easier move, scale or rotate objects.

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Snap SubD Surface

You can use Precision Move Tool to snap the SubD surface back to the original place, where it was created.Notion Image


Snap Control Points

Snap Control Points to splines and to the stage floor. This way you have more options for the precision control of curves or surfaces.


Import update

You can now import GRS files (sketch) to other sketches. When you bring one sketch (GRS) to another, the layers from the imported files will be preserved and will stay in the same order.


Export update

Export more information with FBX format.

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LandingPad updates

We improved caching, which means faster files navigation on LandingPad.

Upload entire folders

You can now import entire folders and the structure on LandingPad will be maintained.

We have added a new search bar to make finding files easier.Notion Image


Web Inspector

Web inspector has a new interface and theatre mode for true full-screen viewing.

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Video demo

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