How do I Import and Export 3D files?

Elma Kujovic
Elma Kujovic
  • Updated


Learn how to import and export your files with Gravity Sketch in the content below. 


You can import 3D files:

  1. Locally: by uploading them to Import Library on your device (while connected to your PC drop them in: This PC\MTP USB Device\Internal shared storage\Gravity Sketch\Import Library). As you will be able to see inside the folder, every .obj file should have a separate folder.
  1. Via Cloud: by uploading them to LandingPad. Log into your account on Select the plus button on the top right. Then select the Upload button to upload the files. Alternatively, you can drag and drop the files.


To learn more about what file formats you can import and export, check What File Formats Does Gravity Sketch VR Support?

Where do I access my files once I imported them?

Once imported, you can access your 3D models by pressing the blue button and then Import. From here you will be able to import images, videos, 3D models, and prefabs.

You can either grab and freely position the model, 


or click on the model to import it on the origin of the axis. 



To export a 3D file from Gravity Sketch VR follow the steps below:

  1. Select the blue button, go to Save and Export and select Export
  2. Select the Export Presets or file format (FBX, GRS, OBJ, or IGES) and preferred settings.
  3. Finally, select the blue check mark on the right to export.

Export Presents

Exporting to your favorite tools requires specific export settings for each, so to make things easier we’ve introduced a few common export options with preset configurations.

All you need to do is choose the right tool and function, and at the click of a button you’re done. 

For example you’ll see options like “Blender – Modelling” and “VRED” available on the export menu. 


Learn more about different export settings HERE.



You can also export your sketches with the LandingPad Cloud Export feature. Learn more about Cloud Export here.


Where do I access my files once I exported them?

This depends on your Saving settings at the bottom of the interface panel.Save Locally - Made with Clipchamp.gif

1. If you are saving locally your exported sketch will be stored on your headset and you can access it in the Gravity Sketch folder on your PC (inside the Exported Sketches folder).

Make sure your headset is connected to your PC when accessing files locally.


2. If you are saving to Cloud, your sketch will be exported to your LandingPad and you will be able to set the file name and export destination before confirming the export. You can then access it by logging in to your account on

Your exported files won’t be accessible in File Manager in VR. If you wish to use and access the 3D model you created in other sketches, we advise you to make them a Prefab. This way you can always access it in the Prefabs.

Importing capabilities to other 3D applications

The following table shows the importing capabilities for the OBJ, FBX and IGES file formats in the most commonly used 3D applications.

Import 3D Asset - Made with Clipchamp.gif

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