Paint Brush & Color Picker

Elma Kujovic
Elma Kujovic
  • Updated

Change the color of any of the objects in your scene with the Paint Brush tool. This is very useful when changing the color of multiple objects far apart in the scene.

Paint Brush

  1. Press and hold the black button on your drawing hand controller
  1. Hover over to Color & Materials
  1. Select the color in the Color Wheel
  2. Intersect the tip of the Paint Brush with an object and press the front trigger on your drawing hand controller
Animated GIF

Color Picker

To change the color of this tool, use the Color Wheel or Color Picker to pick the color from the scene. This will automatically change the color of the Paint Brush tool.

While you're using Paint brush you can switch to color picker by moving the joystick on your drawing hand controller to the left or right. 

Animated GIF

Material Settings

You can access material settings while in this mode by selecting the purple button on your non-drawing hand controller. 

A. Material Settings: Select to open the Material Settings panel

B. Color & Material Presets: Select a preset to apply to the paint brush or color picker. Each preset is changeable. Once you change the settings of a preset the name will change to Custom #. 

C. Name of Preset: Select to rename the preset

D. Wheel: Select a color from a Color Wheel

E. Pie: Select a color from a Color Pie 

F. History: Find all presets used throughout the sessions


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