File Manager

Elma Kujovic
Elma Kujovic
  • Updated


You can browse and organize files, and access all your sketches and imported models directly from the File Manager.


When in the Lobby, select File Manager.

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File Manager menu

Browse and organize your personal files in File Manager.

Enterprise users can here browse and organize all their shared files.

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A. Personal files: Select the “Personal Files” tab to view and organize all your personal sketches and files

B. Organization shared files (Business version only): Select the organization tab to view and organize files shared with all members in the organization

C. Team shared files (Business version only): Select the team tab to view and organize files shared with members of the team

D. Create a folder/New Sketch: Create folders to organize the files. With plus sign create and enter a new sketch

E. Filters: Use filters to find the file types you are looking for

F. Search: Search by file name

G. Open/Close Local: Click to open or close local storage


Local Storage

To access Local Storage click on the Open Local (G above) button. Here you can browse and access AutoSaves, Import Library (all files imported locally), as well as all the sketches, screenshots, and exports saved locally.

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Rename Folders and Files

Rename any folder or file in File Manager by grabbing it and selecting the blue button to open the Keyboard. Type in the new name and tap on the check mark.


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