With LandingPad Can I Still Save Locally?

Elma Kujovic
Elma Kujovic
  • Updated

Yes! Our Cloud service is completely optional. Created to simplify access to your content wherever you are.

The number of sketches will be limited to 2 if you don't connect the app to a LandingPad account. Keep in mind that you can still save locally after connecting to a LandingPad account as saving your files to the cloud is completely optional.

Save Locally

To save your files locally:

  1. Press the Blue Menu Button on the non-drawing hand
  2. Go to Save & Export
  3. Switch the toggle button from Save on Cloud to Save on Local.

Access files on a standalone headset

All the files saved locally will be accessible on your PC once you connect your VR headset to it. Once connected go to the Gravity Sketch folder on the headset drive.

Your saved files will be stored in Saved Sketches, exported files will be stored in Exported Sketches, and all locally saved screenshots will be stored in the Screenshots folder.

Notion Image

Access files on a tethered headset

If using a tethered headset, you can access the files in the Gravity Sketch app on the screen. While in the Gravity Sketch lobby in VR, a menu will appear on your PC screen. Select the File option on the left side. 

This screen won't appear while you are in a sketch or in a collab room. 

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