
Elma Kujovic
Elma Kujovic
  • Updated


Layers enable working in the most detailed layered way you would like. Find all the Layers functions explained in this article. 


1. Press the blue Menu button 

2. Select Layers

Layers Panel

Layer Navigation - Made with Clipchamp.gif

A. New Layer: Click to add a new layer

B. Lock: Click to lock/unlock the layer

C. Layer name: Shows the name of the layer. Click to change the name of the layer

D. Toggle Solo Layer: Click to make only the selected layer visible in the scene. Layers added to Toggle Solo Layer will always be visible even if visibility is set to minimum.

E. Transparency/Visibility: Move the toggle left or right to adjust the transparency

F. Activity of the layer: Click to find the active layer

G. Number of layers: Indicates the number of layers in the sketch/room



Grouping Layers

You now have the ability to group layers in VR! With this feature you’ll be able to create nested layers to one additional level.  Navigate to the layers tab and press the second "+" button to create a new layer group.  You can add layers to a layer group by grabbing and dropping a layer in the layer group.

This will help control, navigate, show / hide design elements at a layer level for more efficient organization of your work, as well as easier presentation during design reviews.

Layer Grouping - Made with Clipchamp.gif

Drop the objects into layers

You can drop the geometry to the layer by grabbing and dropping it in the layer once it highlights green.

Add Object to layer - Made with Clipchamp (1).gif


Lock Layers

When locked you can add but you won’t be able to delete, move or edit the geometry on the layer. A message will pop up to warn you.

Lock Layer - Made with Clipchamp.gif

Duplicate Layers

To duplicate a layer grab it with the grab sphere and press the front trigger on your drawing hand controller. To duplicate multiple layers, grab them at the same time and press the front trigger. Duplicated layers will appear under the existing original layer. 

Duplicate Layers - Made with Clipchamp.gif

Delete Layers

To delete a layer grab it with the grab sphere and press the delete button on your drawing hand controller, just like with normal geometry. You can also delete multiple layers by expanding the grab sphere and grabbing multiple layers at the same time. 

When deleting the layer the geometry that is part of that layer will be deleted from the scene permanently and you won’t be able to retrieve it.

Delete Layers - Made with Clipchamp.gif

Renaming layers

To rename the layer click on the layer and the keyboard will pop up. Type in the name and select the blue check mark.

Renaming Layers - Made with Clipchamp.gif

Navigate through the layers in two ways:

  1. Point and use the trigger
  1. Push up and down on your joystick on the non-drawing hand controller

Layers highlights

You can see which object in your sketch belongs to which layer.

Hover over any layer to highlight the object in red, orange or purple, depending on whether they are solo, mirrored or grouped objects.
- Red highlights are for the original objects that are being mirrored

- Purple indicates the grouped objects

- Orange is for the individual reflected lines that do not connect directly with their original counterpart

Reflected lines/objects that connect with the original line being mirrored directly on the mirror plane, will then become red as well. Also, once you bake the mirror, all of the objects will be red.

Objects on layers - Made with Clipchamp.gif

If you intersect objects numbers in blue will indicate which layers the objects are on and how many of the intersected objects are in each of the layers.


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