How Do I Access A Collab Room?

Tiffany Pye
Tiffany Pye
  • Updated

Collab rooms are crucial to the design process, making it easier to share ideas, get feedback, and work together as a team. Learn more about how to access the collaboration rooms!


Enter rooms

  1. To enter rooms in VR, go to LandingPad Collab in the Gravity Sketch Lobby.
  2. Select the Room - Move your dominant hand controller close to the room you would like to enter and squeeze the front trigger.

If there is someone in the room already this will be indicated with a human icon and the number of users present in the room.


You can also check who is in the room by pointing your controller towards the rooms tab and three dots will appear in the lower right corner. Hover over them and the list of users present in the room will show. 

Collab Rooms - Made with Clipchamp.gif

Exit rooms

To exit from rooms to the Lobby you can simply click on the door icon in the Quick Access buttons on your non-dominant controller. You do this by turning your wrist outward.


How to invite

To invite users into your Collab room, open your browser, go to and log into your account.


  1. Go to My Files and select Files and Rooms
  2. Click on your Collab room
  3. Click on the Share Collab Room button at the top of the page
  4. Enter the email address (you can add multiple addresses at the same time) and click ‘Send Invites’ button. 



Once the invite is sent, they'll receive an invite email and the room will then appear on their Landing Pad account (on and in VR space). 


Share a link to your room

You can give access to your Collab room(s) by sharing a link with other users.

  1. Select your room
  2. Select Copy Invite Link button at the top and share it with other users
  3. If the room you're sharing isn't public they'll have to request access first. 
  4. You'll receive their request in the Requests tab. Select the green check mark to Approve or the red cross to Deny it.


Remove Users

You can remove access to your room by following the next steps:

  1. Select your Collab room and click on the Share Collab Room button at the top right
  2. Click on the role of the user on the list of People With Access
  3. Select Remove


How to mute

The Microphone Controller button will appear on your non-dominant hand controller. Use this button to quickly Mute or Unmute the microphone.


You can do this by clicking the button on the controller or by selecting it with the pointer on the dominant hand controller.


How to change avatar

You can set your avatar to your Meta (Facebook) avatar (check how to create one here) before entering the Collab Room, instead of using the default head visor avatar.

  1. To the right of the Collab Room, you will see the default avatar of the figure with the head visor. There is a toggle to the right of it that you can slide over to get to your Meta avatar.

This feature is supported on Meta Quest headsets and will only be active in the room if all users present in a room are using supported devices. 

To customize your avatar click the Customize Avatar. This will take you to the Meta Avatar Settings. 

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