Add Screen Collab Trial Users

Elma Kujovic
Elma Kujovic
  • Updated

Only admins of the organisation can add members to the Screen Collab Trial. 

To add members to the Screen Collab Trial follow these steps:

  1. Go to a browser and log in to
  2. Click on the Members tab in the Manage section
  3. Click the Plus icon in the top right corner
  4. Enter the email address of the user you would like to add
  5. Select ‘Screen Trial’ from the drop-down menu and click the blue Add button
  6. The user will then receive an email inviting them to join your Organisation

Because these are trial licenses, these users will not use paid seats and will be free for the duration of the trial phase. 

What rooms can Screen Trial members access?

Screen trial users will be able to access rooms stored in the main Org area plus any rooms in Teams they are added to. 

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